Monday, June 24, 2013

June Commitment Done!

Here's my June model for the hobby progress challenge. My July unit will be a group of Zoanthropes

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Recent Tournament at Mind Games

So no hobby progress update but a bit of good news. I went to a recent tournament on Saturday and ended up getting 3rd place with my nids. It was a tournament of 16 and I was pretty excited since I have never placed before.

My list was:
Winged Hive Tyrant with Twin-Linked Devourers and Hive Commander

2x Tervigons with Crushing Claws, 3 psychic powers, adrenal glands and toxin sacs

10 Termagants with fleshborers

10 Termagants with devourers

2 units of 2 zoanthropes

3 hive guard

25 Hormagaunts

1 Trygon

The most epic moment of the tournament was my tervigons unleashing 14 str 10 ap 2 attacks on a wraithknight, felling it on the 1st turn. A second wraithknight charged the pair and faced the same result. All games were extremely hard fought and I was biting my nails the entire time