Sunday, January 27, 2013

January Progress Complete

Completed my hobby progress for January. I finished the model with some highlighting and touch ups to the shading. I also finished the base. On to the next unit. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January Challenge WIP

So here's the start of my January commitment for the hobby progress challenge

Swarmlord base coated

After army painter quick shade

I did see an odd effect. In the pooled area by his front right vent, there is a "webbing effect" that occured after I varnished the model with dull coat. I think it was either too cold when I did it or I didn't let the quickshade dry long enough

After this, I just need to do some highlighting and paint up his base

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New attempt at blogging/Joining IC's Hobby Progress Challenge

 So, I'm going to give this whole blogging thing another shot. I'm joining the Independent Character's Hobby Progress Challeng and needed to host my own images, so I figure what the heck, I might as well blog my progress as well ;)

I plan on re-working the site's look as well as buying a photo booth to use with my D-SLR. Unfortunately, due to low batteries you will have to deal with a phone camera for the image of my intended painting project for this month.

Edit: Here is a link to my forum thread for anyone interested